Wanganui Chronicle, Friday January 19, page 4
HE'S OFF!! – Gnorman the Gnome was farewelled from the Wanganui Cancer Centre yesterday. After a 2-day break to psych himself up for a year of non-stop travelling raising money for cancer, he heads for Wellington on Sunday.
Gnorman is no ordinary gnome as he revealed in a brief interview with the Chronicle.
"I'm not even a week old. I was only conceived last Saturday, but I am already engaged to marry in January 2008. A travel itinerary has been drawn up that will take me around New Zealand to meet a lot of national personalities – don't ask me who they are, I am too young to have even heard of them! But I can't say no, because I'll be raising money for the New Zealand Cancer Society's Research Projects."
Gnorman said he was very excited about his trip but " very sad" to part from his fiance Gnorma-Jean for so long.
"I guess we will write and phone each other. She is going to travel around Australia to raise money for cancer research, but it won't be the same as sitting side-by-side in our Castlecliff home, but I am taking my teddy bear and cat and super glue in case any of my vital parts get knocked off. Gnorma-Jean wants me back in one piece."
Gnorma has drawn up a set of safety rules for his travels- Gno to Alcohol, Gno to Gnudity, and always be gnice to Gnorman.
However he forgot to draw up any rules for Gnorma-Jean.
" I expect she will have an absolute blast when she visits Australia but that should make her happy to settle down with me when she comes back"
Gnorman's conception was a group affair. It came from an on-line discussion by New Zealand Trade-Me traders, one of whom was Joy Clark of Wanganui.
"We thought it might be a laugh to send a small polymer clay gnome from place to place around New Zealand, hopefully ending up at Trade-Me HQ in Wellington in time for an appearance on the Trade Me Community Web-Cam by Xmas 2007.
"I agreed to make the gnome."
From there the idea took on a life of its own, as gnomes are known to do and as a former member of the group has died from cancer it was decided to make the travel trip, a fund-raiser for Cancer research.
5 of the group, Janie, Suzie, Sue, Jo and Mrs Clark then worked quickly to make the gnome a reality and on January 16 Gnorman the Gnome had his own on-line blog -
... quickly followed by a postal address
The Roaming Gnome,
PO Box 11 474, Palm Beach Plaza,
Tauranga 3151
... and sponsorship by Fastway Couriers.
And as news of Gnorman the Gnome's birth spread, Australian traders on Trade me wanted their own Gnome, which led to Gnorma-Jean's birth.
"Everyone who gets involved with Gnorman the Gnome and Gnorma-Jean is likely to give them wedding presents and these along with the photographs some of which will be autographed by the personalities they meet, and the journals of their travels, will be auctioned on Trade Me and the money given to the Cancer Society. We are hoping to raise at least $15,000", Mrs Clark said.
Contributed by Joybells
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
Gnomes in the Gnews!
The Project got off to a great start yesterday in a handover documented by NZ's OLDEST newspaper, The Wanganui Chronicle.
Keep your eye on the blog for more news!
Pictured above are the very cute Zachariah and Bailey holding Gnorman and Gnorma-Jean.
The first leg of Gnorman's epic roam begins with a journey from Wanganui to Wellington.
Keep your eye on the blog for more news!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
He's Off!!!
Joy's wonderful account of todays release of Gnorman into the wild is in, and it's fabulous stuff!
18 / 01 / 07
18 / 01 / 07
At 1pm, Gnorman met with the Cancer Society people in Wanganui... he was hugged and kissed and found his way into the ladies' hearts very easily....then suddenly, they spotted Gnorma-Jean... and Patrick from the WCS was captivated by her gnomely beauty... he kissed her so gently... every woman in the room was jealous... (we all wished we had her hair... her smile... her clothes...)
The photographer and reporter arrived Gnorman and Gnorma-Jean handled themselves beautifully... anyone would think they were POP STARS.... I can see they have cottoned on VERY quickly to just how special they are !!!
I handed Gnorman over to Zac to pass on to Bailey (esdott jnr) but Gnorma-Jean coughed (none too quietly) in the background... and the reporter and photographer said the photo-shoot was meaningless without her... I had to repeat that it was the handover of Gnorman we were there for... but the media were adamant that Gnorma-Jean had to be in the shot.... (you should have seen her preen)
Gnorman was asked what he had packed for his journey... he replied *I have people to pack for me* the reporter tried again... "what are you travelling with Gnorman???" and he told her...*my pussy cat and my teddy and a bottle of super glue in case anyone is rough with any part of me* The rest of the interview can be seen after it is I doubt if it will be tomorrow...the HURRICANES are in town....
Gnorma-Jean was able to share that the Australian traders had promised her the time of her life before she had to settle down with the fuddy duddy.... Gnorman was far to busy with one particular lady to even hear what she had called him.... (he was *snuggled* in the bosom of esdott jnr's great grandmother...EILEEN)
I hope you enjoy all the pix... they show skin1235 from Waverley (Steve in real life) The Wanganui Cancer Society staff... and Gnorman and I....
You can see how happy and delighted everyone was... it was lovely to meet such an enthusistic group who bade Gnorman and Gnorma-Jean a fond and tearful farewell. *sobs*.... it was very sweet... We have released our gnomes TO THE WORLD... the hard work has been done (cheers team, what a privilege it is to work with you all) and now we can sit back and ENJOY their travel.... HAPPY ROAMIN' GNOMES!!!
I handed Gnorman over to Zac to pass on to Bailey (esdott jnr) but Gnorma-Jean coughed (none too quietly) in the background... and the reporter and photographer said the photo-shoot was meaningless without her... I had to repeat that it was the handover of Gnorman we were there for... but the media were adamant that Gnorma-Jean had to be in the shot.... (you should have seen her preen)
Gnorman was asked what he had packed for his journey... he replied *I have people to pack for me* the reporter tried again... "what are you travelling with Gnorman???" and he told her...*my pussy cat and my teddy and a bottle of super glue in case anyone is rough with any part of me* The rest of the interview can be seen after it is I doubt if it will be tomorrow...the HURRICANES are in town....
Gnorma-Jean was able to share that the Australian traders had promised her the time of her life before she had to settle down with the fuddy duddy.... Gnorman was far to busy with one particular lady to even hear what she had called him.... (he was *snuggled* in the bosom of esdott jnr's great grandmother...EILEEN)
I hope you enjoy all the pix... they show skin1235 from Waverley (Steve in real life) The Wanganui Cancer Society staff... and Gnorman and I....
You can see how happy and delighted everyone was... it was lovely to meet such an enthusistic group who bade Gnorman and Gnorma-Jean a fond and tearful farewell. *sobs*.... it was very sweet... We have released our gnomes TO THE WORLD... the hard work has been done (cheers team, what a privilege it is to work with you all) and now we can sit back and ENJOY their travel.... HAPPY ROAMIN' GNOMES!!!
Introducing Suzie! - Our Overseas Coordinator
G'day from Australia!
I am Suzie ( better known as SuzieQ68 on TradeMe) I feel very honoured to be part of a very wacky yet worthwhile adventure to raise money for the Cancer Society of New Zealand, for future research into a disease that affects and has affected so many people that are precious to us. " The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - we can all make a little contribution that can go a long way.
I will be hosting Gnorma-Jean on her Australian leg of the tour. I am looking forward to showing her some great sights here. I have some very big plans (some naughty some high profile) for her here which are yet to be announced as some may be a bit tricky to be able to organise. I am also going to give her an Aussie girls night out / hens night too! Here's hoping there will be no trouble on the night! ( my lips are sealed) As many know I love my lattes so of course it will take her to my favourite hot spots for those too and convert her to only the best! I may even let her throw a shrimp on the barbie too!
Until next time when you bid " Goodbye Gnorma-Jean" ( hey now that would make a great song!!)
Contributed by SuzieQ
I am Suzie ( better known as SuzieQ68 on TradeMe) I feel very honoured to be part of a very wacky yet worthwhile adventure to raise money for the Cancer Society of New Zealand, for future research into a disease that affects and has affected so many people that are precious to us. " The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - we can all make a little contribution that can go a long way.
I will be hosting Gnorma-Jean on her Australian leg of the tour. I am looking forward to showing her some great sights here. I have some very big plans (some naughty some high profile) for her here which are yet to be announced as some may be a bit tricky to be able to organise. I am also going to give her an Aussie girls night out / hens night too! Here's hoping there will be no trouble on the night! ( my lips are sealed) As many know I love my lattes so of course it will take her to my favourite hot spots for those too and convert her to only the best! I may even let her throw a shrimp on the barbie too!
Until next time when you bid " Goodbye Gnorma-Jean" ( hey now that would make a great song!!)
Contributed by SuzieQ
Gnorma Gnews!

It's a big day for Gnorman as he heads off on the first leg of what will be an exciting, if exceptionally silly adventure!
But Gnorma- Jean has not been forgotten and plans are being made here at Gnome HQ for her own wonderful journey which should commence very soon. She'll be bidding a fond farewell to Gnorman this afternoon and then heading back to pack her own wee gnomey trunk and passport (Thanks to AW for this impressive piece of documentation!) ready for the off!
We also now have a very capable and efficient Overseas Coordinator - SuzieQ on the team, who will be keeping us updated with Gnorma Gnews on a regular basis. Sounds like the girls are going to be having a blast in Australia! Suzie will be introducing herself here later on today.
There's a lot going on and ideas and plans are coming in all the time. Head over to Trade Me to the Community Message Boards (Trade me General) to get the latest as it happens, and watch the blog, there'll be daily updates until both Gnomes are on their way!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Tomorrow: Thursday 18th January @ 1:15 pm,
He is officially farewelled from the Cancer Society in Wanganui !!!
Joy says that he will be interviewed by the local paper... if they can get a word in edgeways.. (apparently he's quite a chatty wee gnome!)
Full write up and photographs to follow!
Tomorrow: Thursday 18th January @ 1:15 pm,
He is officially farewelled from the Cancer Society in Wanganui !!!
Joy says that he will be interviewed by the local paper... if they can get a word in edgeways.. (apparently he's quite a chatty wee gnome!)
Full write up and photographs to follow!
Great News Re: Transport! (From Joybells)

Great News From Joybells!!:
"Fastaway Couriers have very generously agreed to cover Gnorman's passage around NZ.
How it will work:
"Gnorman will be travelling in A4 satchels... he will be in a tin can and then in a box, inside the satchel... the host gets him... and Fastway will hand over a new A4 satchel and stickers for the next leg."
If a trader is RURAL they have to pick Gnorman up from the depot and drop him back again... otherwise, the courier will drop off and pick up... Head Office are informing all the branches... I asked Graham, the Fastway Couriers franchisee here in Wanganui, what he thought we could do about moving Gnorman around NZ, and this was his generous offer.
They are happy to sponsor our Gnorman on his journey to raise funds for the Cancer Society !!!"
Contributed by Joybells.
"Fastaway Couriers have very generously agreed to cover Gnorman's passage around NZ.
How it will work:
"Gnorman will be travelling in A4 satchels... he will be in a tin can and then in a box, inside the satchel... the host gets him... and Fastway will hand over a new A4 satchel and stickers for the next leg."
If a trader is RURAL they have to pick Gnorman up from the depot and drop him back again... otherwise, the courier will drop off and pick up... Head Office are informing all the branches... I asked Graham, the Fastway Couriers franchisee here in Wanganui, what he thought we could do about moving Gnorman around NZ, and this was his generous offer.
They are happy to sponsor our Gnorman on his journey to raise funds for the Cancer Society !!!"
Contributed by Joybells.
Support The Gnomes!
It would appear that wee Gnorman and Gnorma-Jean are developing their own little fan club! Lots of people have asked for an address so that they can forward any postcards, bon-voyage cards, small tokens and well wishes - all of which will be auctioned off, with them at the end of their journey.
As it would be impractical to send all these items with him someone has kindly offered the use of their PO box for this purpose. Please feel free to send all such items to:
The Roaming Gnome
P O Box 11 474
Palm Beach Plaza
Tauranga 3151
As it would be impractical to send all these items with him someone has kindly offered the use of their PO box for this purpose. Please feel free to send all such items to:
The Roaming Gnome
P O Box 11 474
Palm Beach Plaza
Tauranga 3151
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
The Gnome's Convention.
Below are the 'rules' or, as they were christened 'The Gnome's Convention' This document would be pasted into his wee journal and travel with him for the duration of his trip.
I’m Gnorman, the Trade Me General Message Board gnome! Thanks for having me to stay!
My friends on TM(G) have decided to send me on the trip of a lifetime. My aim is to visit as many places and MB posters in New Zealand as possible, between now and Christmas 2007. At the end of my journey I hope to be able to wave to you all from the Trade Me Office Web-cam before being auctioned off for charity.
I have a bit of a hectic schedule so there are a few rules I need to stick to if I’m to get to visit as many people as possible. My friends on the MB have christened this document ‘The Gnome Convention’
1) Firstly my stay will need to be short, I should be with you no more than three days and less if possible.
2) On my arrival I will have my travel journal with me, please feel free to add a short write up of my visit with you, stating the location and duration of stay and the trader with whom I am staying. It would be lovely if I could be photographed with you to document my trip as well. But if you are camera shy, then a photo of me in a local hotspot will do just fine.
You can also let the TM(G) community know that I’ve arrived by using the existing thread “The Extensive Travels of Gnorman The Gnome” or by starting a new one (should the other have disappeared)
3) When it’s time for me to go I will need packing carefully and sending on to my next destination. Please make sure that you contact the person with whom I’m to stay by email first, to check that they are able to have me and will be able to send me on to the next leg of my journey - I’m a polite gnome and would hate to arrive unannounced!
Whilst I’m away my girlfriend Gnorma-Jean will be visiting with some of our over-seas friends in Australia, and may even take a short trip to the UK! Watch the thread, and this blog, to see where we both are at any given time.
Finally, to keep me safe on my travels please remember the following Safety code: “Gno to alcohol, Gno to Gnudity, and always be gnice to Gnorman”
Thank you for helping me on my journey :O)
Lots of Gnomey Love!
Gnorman xxxxxxx
I’m Gnorman, the Trade Me General Message Board gnome! Thanks for having me to stay!
My friends on TM(G) have decided to send me on the trip of a lifetime. My aim is to visit as many places and MB posters in New Zealand as possible, between now and Christmas 2007. At the end of my journey I hope to be able to wave to you all from the Trade Me Office Web-cam before being auctioned off for charity.
I have a bit of a hectic schedule so there are a few rules I need to stick to if I’m to get to visit as many people as possible. My friends on the MB have christened this document ‘The Gnome Convention’
1) Firstly my stay will need to be short, I should be with you no more than three days and less if possible.
2) On my arrival I will have my travel journal with me, please feel free to add a short write up of my visit with you, stating the location and duration of stay and the trader with whom I am staying. It would be lovely if I could be photographed with you to document my trip as well. But if you are camera shy, then a photo of me in a local hotspot will do just fine.
You can also let the TM(G) community know that I’ve arrived by using the existing thread “The Extensive Travels of Gnorman The Gnome” or by starting a new one (should the other have disappeared)
3) When it’s time for me to go I will need packing carefully and sending on to my next destination. Please make sure that you contact the person with whom I’m to stay by email first, to check that they are able to have me and will be able to send me on to the next leg of my journey - I’m a polite gnome and would hate to arrive unannounced!
Whilst I’m away my girlfriend Gnorma-Jean will be visiting with some of our over-seas friends in Australia, and may even take a short trip to the UK! Watch the thread, and this blog, to see where we both are at any given time.
Finally, to keep me safe on my travels please remember the following Safety code: “Gno to alcohol, Gno to Gnudity, and always be gnice to Gnorman”
Thank you for helping me on my journey :O)
Lots of Gnomey Love!
Gnorman xxxxxxx
How it all started
One quiet Saturday afternoon in early January 2007, a group of online auction traders in New Zealand were passing the time on a group discussion board by talking about gnomes, and more specifically whether anyone could make them.
Somehow or other (and I'm not sure how!) the conversation evolved into a vague discussion of how it might be a laugh to send a small polymer clay gnome from place to place around New Zealand.
The idea was that a gnome could be created and sent, via post or courier, by a 'degrees of separation' model from trader to trader around the country, hopefully ending up at Trade Me HQ in Wellington in time for an appearance on the 'Trade Me' Community Web-Cam by Christmas 2007.
And so, Gnorman the Trade Me MB gnome was created.
The rules were simple, each trader who wanted a 'visit' would undertake to receive Gnorman into their homes, look after him for the duration of his stay and pay his travel expenses between stops. They would also document his visit in a journal which he would be carrying with him, and provide a photograph, either of themselves with Gnorman, or of him enjoying his gnomey wee self in a local place of interest. These photographs will, I hope, eventually appear on this blog.
These rules were agreed and written up into a document which was promptly christened "The Gnome's Convention" The Convention would be pasted into the first page of Gnorman't journal for future reference.
It quickly became apparent that there would not be enough time for Gnorman to visit our fellow traders in Australia, and so, the marvellous creator of Gnorman, quickly fabricated yet another gnome, this time female, and christened Gnorma-Jean. Gnorma-Jean, it was decided, would undertake the overseas leg of this epic (and fast growing) madness.
At some point the idea was raised that, if we were going to do this (and it looked as if we were!) then a worthy cause should benefit. It was decided that an auction for Gnorman, Gnorma-Jean and their respective journals should be held at the conclusion of their journey, and any money raised be donated to The Cancer Society.
Trade Me were informed about the plan and approached for their agreement to allow Gnorman to visit their office at the end of the trip, they very kindly agreed and so, gnomes at the ready, the game was on!
Somehow or other (and I'm not sure how!) the conversation evolved into a vague discussion of how it might be a laugh to send a small polymer clay gnome from place to place around New Zealand.
The idea was that a gnome could be created and sent, via post or courier, by a 'degrees of separation' model from trader to trader around the country, hopefully ending up at Trade Me HQ in Wellington in time for an appearance on the 'Trade Me' Community Web-Cam by Christmas 2007.
And so, Gnorman the Trade Me MB gnome was created.
The rules were simple, each trader who wanted a 'visit' would undertake to receive Gnorman into their homes, look after him for the duration of his stay and pay his travel expenses between stops. They would also document his visit in a journal which he would be carrying with him, and provide a photograph, either of themselves with Gnorman, or of him enjoying his gnomey wee self in a local place of interest. These photographs will, I hope, eventually appear on this blog.
These rules were agreed and written up into a document which was promptly christened "The Gnome's Convention" The Convention would be pasted into the first page of Gnorman't journal for future reference.
It quickly became apparent that there would not be enough time for Gnorman to visit our fellow traders in Australia, and so, the marvellous creator of Gnorman, quickly fabricated yet another gnome, this time female, and christened Gnorma-Jean. Gnorma-Jean, it was decided, would undertake the overseas leg of this epic (and fast growing) madness.
At some point the idea was raised that, if we were going to do this (and it looked as if we were!) then a worthy cause should benefit. It was decided that an auction for Gnorman, Gnorma-Jean and their respective journals should be held at the conclusion of their journey, and any money raised be donated to The Cancer Society.
Trade Me were informed about the plan and approached for their agreement to allow Gnorman to visit their office at the end of the trip, they very kindly agreed and so, gnomes at the ready, the game was on!
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