Friday, February 16, 2007


Gnorman seeks comfort and safety with Joy
Gnorman meets barbrose, who takes him to parliament to meet Jill Pettis and seek out as many pens from MPs as possible!!!

Gnorman meets Peter Pan, Wendy and TinkerBell...

Gnorman does NOT like ducks... he says "Gnorman prefers shags any day!!!!!"
Gnorman has had a very exciting day
He was attacked by rude and greedy ducks and chatted to Peter Pan and then got up close and personal to Wendy before heading off to meet barbrose and travelling with her to Wellington to parliament... he is on a pen-stealing mission... and has asked Jill Pettis to aid
and abet him there !!! Gnorman and barbrose really hit it off... there was an *instant chemistry* there....
At Virginia Lake,
everywhere Gnorman looked there were BEAKS and WEBBED feet and piercing eyes....... they poked, they peered and snapped at him .... he had a quiet word to Peter Pan
and.... then.... he met Wendy... (I had to tear the two of them apart....) when he said he was interested in a shag... I rushed him to see all the wonderful nests of baby ones... some pukeko chicks (or are they COOTS???) made a charge for him... so he asked for some protection at this point...

Monday, February 12, 2007

More Photos From Gnelson

Saturday 10 Feb:

Gnorman goes back to his kiwi roots at the Sheepskin & Footwear Factory Shop, where bopeep80 works. He was introduced to ladeda and bopeep and he thought they were lovely people, very witty and kind.

There was a lot of interest in Gnorman's story and people donated pieces of Kiwiana (lots of little pieces like bookmarks, an All Black Rugby bear figurine, Alpine Silk Lanolin, kiwi and lamb fridge magnets, a stuffed kiwi, photoframe and tiki salad servers.....oh yeah and some possum fur nipple warmers to name a few.

A basket with all these things in will be auctioned at the end of Gnorm's travels. We have also received a Kiwi Monopoly game to be auctioned.

Gnorman is very outgoing and met a number of new friends. The Nelson Mail came and took Gnorm's photo (and mine, worse luck, I lost the coin toss ladeda and I had)

Hopefully his story will make the local rag.


Sunday 11 Feb:

Well, Gnorman was bored to tears this morning, but it is hard trying to entertain a gnome and get your shopping and housework done. We promised him a local expedition in the afternoon, and took him for a walk in Isel Park at Stoke.

Samuel Marsden was one of the first settlers in the area, built a brick house and planted a heap of trees on his land. The trees are now 150 years old, and there are renowned rhododendren and azalea beds.

The annualTeddy Bear's picnic is held there.

Then, since it was so hot, we took him down to the Honest Lawyer (oldeEnglish pub) at Monaco and had some quiet beers there.

Gnorman scooped the top out of my Mac's Gold before I could stop him..sorry that the Gno to alcohol law has been breached, but YOU try stopping a hot and thirsty gnome!

It was fitting that he had a drop of the local brew though. :)

Contributed by Precicat & Ladeda