2/4/07 Gnorman was welcomed to New Plymouth city this morning and was delighted that Fastways depot was thoughtfully situated in Norma Lane.
With John Sutcliffe and Andy Gowland-Douglas of the New Plymouth branch of the cancer society he was welcomed by the mayor, Peter Tennant, at the civic centre and given honorary citizenship.
The press from the midweek interviewed him; he couldn't wipe that smile off his face!
He then toured the city, meeting our local M.P. the Honourable Harry Duynhoven at the windwand for a photo shoot, , before seeing Nodding Neddy at the port, (there could be a "spot Gnorman on the oil pump" competition) Paritutu rock, (the last vestige of a massive ancient volcano)Poets Bridge at Pukekura Park and Bashful, a neighbourhood gnome.
Mount Taranaki was also bashful behind a cloud, but Gnorman hopes to view him later today, his last chance before visiting Tauranga for an overdose of Easter goodies.
Thanks to local businesses and Taranaki artists for their support as well.

Gnorman dwarfed..(excuse the pun) by Paritutu, the cone remnant of a massive, ancient volcano.

Gnorman buddying up with Bashful Collins, a local Taranaki identity

Harry Duynhoven MP showing Gnorman a closer view of the windwand orb.

The Honourable Harry Duynhoven, local M.P. and Gnorman below the windwand.

Andy Gowland-Douglas holding Gnorman, and John Sutcliffe of the cancer society with Ana Souto on the beautiful coastal walkway.

Gnorman decided to cheat with a photo of Mt. Taranaki behind him, the actual mountain feeling bashful today.

Gnorman relaxing against his journal at Pukekura Park, the Poets Bridge in the background across the lake.
Contributed by hezwez
You guys are just amazing... All the stuff you have given to hezwez is amazing and wonderful... we are looking forward to fantastic and exciting auctions.
To vickyanne, what can I say??? Your paintings are devastatingly lovely!!!! You are a wonderful and generous artist.
Have a fantastic Easter New Plymouth... New Plymouth ROCKS!!!!
Joy Z Clark
Team Gnorman