Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Gnorman meets Tim Shadbolt!

Doggitt and I had a good time, to meet and take Gnorman out to jalmac traders on Saturday where Janis let him feed out on lollies. I sent him to his bed afterwards with a sore tummy.

On Monday I took him up to prominent business and have obtained a promise of voucher from one.

Today I get pre meeting jitters, but once I got there, I was quite calm. Anusha and I chatted and took pictures of Gnorman in front of the council buildings, then we went inside and met up with Janis from Cancer Society. Had a short interview with her before we were called upstairs to the chambers.

Tim was his usual chatty comedy self and wrote a message in the book about missing Gnorma Jean, and aussies get everything from pavlova to Phar Lap.

He then donated a memorabilia book on the Worlds Fastest Indian booklet and then we placed Gnorman for a ride.

This will screen on Cue TV tonight 5.30pm and 9pm.
I have also included in emails several snapshots taken by hubby.

I’m now sending Gnorman on to toodley tomorrow morning and then he is going on to hezwez.
Overall I don't think it went too bad.
Contributed by angelcutee

1 comment:

joybells63 said...

Thanx for sending the goodies through Rozzy... we LOVE the television clip... that was genius girl... pure genius... Tim Shadbolt is so adorable... you lucky thing!!! WELL DONE!!!