Friday, March 21, 2008

Gnorman & Gnorma-Jean visit Shortland Street!

Here are our famous couple with an even more famous couple of Actors from NZ's favourite long running series Shortland Street!

Gnorman sits proudly in the hand of Ben Mitchell, while Gnorma-Jean's heart seems to be beating a little too fast in the hands of Will Hall.
In the presence of these two hunky doctors...who can blame her?
Photo contributed by Rose Swale, Publicity Assistant for 'Shortland Street'

1 comment:

joybells63 said...

Dear Will.... Gnorma-Jean phoned me to discuss her feelings for you.... if Gnorman gets wind of this you are in deep twubble... BTW.... Gnorman has phoned me as well.... he says the wee bell off Gnorma-Jean's hat is missing.... he is a but suspicious.... don't say you have not been warned Willy...